Monday, 24 January 2011

Bexhill-on-Sea 2007.

06.03.2007 - Bexhill-on-Sea.


  1. This looks so surreal! (in the absolute good sense of the word). What is it?

  2. yes, surreal is the word for it! :))) it's in south england, a small place by the sea. it has a museum, though - with the best view ever (well, maybe after Louisiana ;) there's also a house of an artist with yellow letters on black wood. looks like a scenario. and this is just off the road side, it's full of 'no-cross', 'private' signs but then there's nothing next to it, really (of course I had to cross it :)))

  3. bexhill é giro é :) é um lugar que parece tipo cogumelo, q parece q nasceu no meio de nada (desculpem-me os ingleses a minha ignorância mas é o q parece, não sei a história do lugar), cheio de barcos abandonados e umas casinhas à beira estrada :)

  4. Gosto do caos e das duas placas que tentam colocar alguma ordem naquilo :)
