Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Lisbon 2010.

22.05.2010 - Lisbon.


  1. Luisa in the Sky with Diamonds. Here are the Diamonds.

  2. Funny :-) This reminds me of a film company logo intro; Focus Features, except theirs is blueish (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh56_10itJ0) ... as a child, my dad made me memorize all the film logos before films; kind of like remembering car labels, I guess, only I got to memorize film company logos :-)

  3. ahahahhah great! didn't think about it :) took this pic in a concert, lots of lights to play with. and that's a funny exercise :) i used to count car colours (not labels), like: i'm looking at the window and i saw 3 red cars, 2 blue cars and 5 black cars. very silly, i know... but i got bored easily as a child and i found out boring ways to get over my boringness :)

  4. I counted car colours too :-) With my grandmother. She said that people who had red cars drove faster! So we tried to collect some statistic data ;-)
    With my parents when we had to drive far, we used to count forage harvesters (we have a lot of fields in Denmark); my father named them "uffelhorn" which is a nonsense word that sounds like the name of an animal - for us city kids who didn't know what a forage harvester was :-)

  5. :))) sounds great :))) i know the feeling, city kids will always be city people. well, i'm trying to learn, though! and i love nature, i kinda picture myself in countryside. well... in a few years, not now! :)
