Thursday, 25 August 2011

Lisbon 2011.

24.08.2011 - Lisbon.


  1. :) i was quite skeptical about this place but then i kinda liked it. some parts are quite special. xxx

  2. The Ocenarium, right? Did you see the moon fish? I don't like aquariums, but I really liked the moon fish :-)

  3. right! it opened in 1998 and the 1st time I managed to go there (well... "managed" might be the wrong word :) was last week, more than 10 years later. i saw the moon fish but my favs are the sharks. they don't look like they would bite. maybe because I was behind a huge wall. maybe :)

  4. Well, the moon fish doesn't look like it's going to bite either, it just looks pretty silly ;-)
