Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Gribskov 2010.

09.06.2010 - Denmark.


  1. so dreamy, beautiful! never been here, a place for my 'to go list' :)

  2. Hey! If you come here, I'll show it to you ;o)

  3. ah now we have two Danish-speaking, two potential teachers for me, very good :)

  4. :-) For sure!
    And I'll definitely swop for some Portuguese grammar lessons!

  5. great! but as you also know German maybe we can begin by exchanging German and Portuguese as a start :) but we can mix all languages, sounds good too :)))

  6. If I start mixing German with Portuguese it'll end up sounding like a mouth disease for sure! ;-)
    But I can teach you some German grammar, I have a very good device, I'll show you, it's brilliant :-)

  7. :))) great, all advices are very welcome :)

  8. Tak Mia :o)

    ...Let's make our own Esperanto language....

  9. I like that, lets do it :) a mix between Danish, Portuguese, English, German!

  10. :-)
    I heard recently that actually "volapyk" was orignially the name of a tentative Esperanto language developed by a ... was he Hungarian, I don't remember, anyway, "vola" apparantly means "language" and "pyk" "for all", so "Language for all"; except he didn't do very well, the inventor, and it ended up being "volapyk" instead ;-)

  11. volapyk sounds kinda complicated :) but fun :) would be so nice to have a language that everybody would be able to understand. kid of an utopia but so nice :) language for all :)

  12. Haha... That's funny! I always thought Volapyk was just... Volapyk - a made up word. Luisa, in Denmark you always tell children that "it's volapyk", if you can't, our don't have time to, explain something to them ;o) Well.. Anyways, maybe I asked to much as a child, but I've heard it a thousand times!

  13. that's good to know! I'll begin using that word w my nephews, maybe that works :)
